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Competition Rules

Men's Classic Physique


- Competitors are required to wear Classic Physique posing trunks.

- You are not allowed to wear board shorts or Bodybuilding posing trunks.

- Classic Physique posing trunks must be black in colour.



- 1 minute posing routine

- Quarter turns

- 5 mandatory poses: Front Double Biceps, Side Chest, Back Double Biceps, Abdominal and Thighs & Favourite Classic Pose.

- Posedown


Height and Weight Requirements (2023 onwards)

Men's Classic Physique 2023.png

Men's Physique


- Competitors are required to wear board shorts.



- Competitors will walk to the center of the stage and perform front and back poses (No Bodybuilding poses allowed). 

- Comparison round: Competitors will be brought out in a group and directed to do front and back poses.​


Men's Physique Super Novice: Reserved for first-time athletes who have never competed before. If it comes to our attention that an athlete has prior competition experience, they will be disqualified from this category.


Men's Physique Novice: Open to competitors who have participated before but haven't won in their categories.

Women's Bikini


- Competitors will compete in a two-piece suit. The bottom of the suit must be V-shaped. No Thongs are permitted. Competitors can compete in an off the rack suit. 

- Competitors must wear high heels.

- Competitors may wear jewelry.



- Competitors will walk onstage alone and perform their Model Walk

- Model Walk: Walk to the center of the stage , stop and do a front pose, then turn around to do a back pose. Next, turn to the front and face the judges as directed then proceed to the side of the stage.

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